Kibernetika psihoterapije nije jedan od pravaca u psihoterapiji i nema niti ambiciju da to postane.
Kibernetika psihoterapije je znanost
o cirkularnosti i razumijevanju vlastite epistemologije, kao predložak
dijaloškoj praksi usmjerenoj na promjenu. Škola za kibernetiku
psihoterapije je kontekst za učenje i istraživanje psihoterapije,
prakse efikasne psihoterapije, uvažavajući sva dostupna nam znanja iz
dosadašnjih psihoterapijskih škola i pravaca, filozofije, etike,
estetike, fizike, biokemije, biologije, genetike, medicine,
antropologije, informatičkih znanosti, lingvistike, logike,
psihologije, komunikologije...
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Kibernetika psihoterapije
The School of Psychotherapy Cybernetics WHO ARE WE?
The school was formally founded at the beginning of 1990 in Zagreb,
Croatia, embedded in the Psychiatric Clinic Rebro of the Medical
Faculty of the Zagreb University.
The foundation of the school was the result of the creative process that lasted several years and this process was tightly connected with the present guest lecturer, then the leader of the School, Prof. dr. Graham Barnes. He studied social ethics under James Luther Adams at Harvard and Walter Muelder at Boston University. He learned the practice of psychotherapy from Robert Goulding and Mary McClure Goulding at the Western Institute for Group and Family Therapy in California and cybernetics from Gordon Pask in London.
The foundation of the school was the result of the creative process that lasted several years and this process was tightly connected with the present guest lecturer, then the leader of the School, Prof. dr. Graham Barnes. He studied social ethics under James Luther Adams at Harvard and Walter Muelder at Boston University. He learned the practice of psychotherapy from Robert Goulding and Mary McClure Goulding at the Western Institute for Group and Family Therapy in California and cybernetics from Gordon Pask in London.
The School of Psychotherapy Cybernetics
Psychotherapy Cybernetics System Approach
Second order cybernetics of psychotherapy is a science based
on a concept of circularity and understanding of our own epistemology.
It is a pattern for dialogical practice focused on change. The school
of second order cybernetics of psychotherapy is a context for learning
and a context for exploring psychotherapy which applies all available
knowledge from existing schools of psychotherapy, philosophy, ethics,
aesthetics, physics, biochemistry, biology, genetics, medicine,
anthropology, computer sciences, linguistics, logic, psychology,
communication theories etc.
Psychotherapy Cybernetics System Approach